Advice and resources for recent graduates, self taught, and other emerging artists/creatives
Keep Making Work!
It can be challenging to maintain your studio practice outside of certain educational, social, or financial structures.
Start your CV / Resume ASAP
CV stands for “curriculum vitae” (vitae rhymes with mighty). Your CV is a record of all your professional activities.
Some applications/opportunities call for a CV and some for a résumé. You will tailor the information from your Master CV to each opportunity.
CAA Guidelines for Artist Résumés
Learn more in our CV/Resume Guide
Document your work
Most people who encounter your work will see it online. You should find a way to create/obtain professional-looking photographs/documentation of your work.
If you are about to graduate from an institution, we highly recommend you utilize any resources there to document your work - education, cameras, lighting, professors, other students as models, etc.
Create a website / online portfolio
You will need a way for people to see your work online, and learn about you and your practice. It is best for your site to look professional, and not just be your personal Instagram with some art posted on it.
Here are our favorite platfoms for this purpose:
Squarespace - easy to learn, affordable, very flexible.
WIX - user friendly, affordable, but not as polished as Squarespace.
Adobe Portfolio - user friendly, useful Adobe integrations, free with Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, but has limited functionality.
Squeeze everything you can out of your institution.
If you are about to graduate from a university, then you are about to lose a bunch of resources. Use them while you still have access!
Networking and Self Promotion
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
More Guides
More Professional Practices
Staying Organized
Financial Matters
Working With Galleries